My husband and I decided to buy a cute lil' gas station "Collbran Creamery" in the very small town of Collbran CO. We decided to do the move after visiting, and realizing how beautiful it was and how amazing the people are. Not to mention my husband's parents and some of his siblings live there as well! We have always wanted to own our own business and a gas station seemed perfect. Did I mention we would be living on top do the gas station? Yep! The house is right on top, so no more driving to work and dealing with traffic. We can just walk right down stairs! This is another reason we chose it, because now as we plan to start our own family, we can not only have independence, but we can be together all the time as a family.

We have big changes in store for us as we pack up and move to this cute lil' town to work for ourselves, be closer to family, and start one of our own! I hope to put it all down here so you can all keep up with us!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9

9 sublime
     Soooooo dry! I don't know why I can't wake up feeling good. Was so hard to get out of bed, but once I get moving I start to feel better. I made a lot of leeway on the house today. Thank god! I also have to clean the crap out of everything as I go so it takes me even longer. I was talking to my dad telling him how happy I was here and living in an old house. Literally just a few minutes after I hung up, while I was making lunch I heard a fast dripping. I looked over and realized there was a leak in the ceiling by the window from the ice melting on the roof. I had to put 3 large cups along the window and within 30 mins one was 3/4 full. Tony got on the roof and started shoveling snow and ice off, but had to come inside and hang out the window to get the ice off of the area that was leaking. Luckily he fixed it for now. Just some more money that has to come out of our pockets in the spring. Ugh..
     At three we did some additional training with Sammy and learned some of the register as well as how to close the store. Well some of it anyway.
     When we got the business, we knew we would be working all the time and that for the first while we would not be able to afford to have any employees. Which sucks because that meant the wonderful people who worked here lost their jobs. The store was going to close anyway, but we feel badly that we couldn't keep them on. Our biggest fear is that there will be hard feelings towards us. But I feel once people get to know us and realize we couldn't afford it, they will come around.
     After training we came upstairs and I made dinner while Tony got the computer hooked up to the tv so we could watch netflix. Let me remind you, I am in a town of 705 people, and that means we don't have the fastest connections, good cell service etc. Once we got it set up and tried watching something, it would freeze and have to load. It took us quite a while to get through an episode of dexter, but then Tony reset the internet and it worked much better. LOVE DEXTER!!!
    Tony and I spent some time after that figuring out marketing for our opening. Think we may do free coffee or hot chocolate for the first week or something. I can't wait to meet everyone!

At the end of the day... I am just so excited and can wait to open! Here's to being accepted by Collbran!
At the end of the day...

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