My husband and I decided to buy a cute lil' gas station "Collbran Creamery" in the very small town of Collbran CO. We decided to do the move after visiting, and realizing how beautiful it was and how amazing the people are. Not to mention my husband's parents and some of his siblings live there as well! We have always wanted to own our own business and a gas station seemed perfect. Did I mention we would be living on top do the gas station? Yep! The house is right on top, so no more driving to work and dealing with traffic. We can just walk right down stairs! This is another reason we chose it, because now as we plan to start our own family, we can not only have independence, but we can be together all the time as a family.

We have big changes in store for us as we pack up and move to this cute lil' town to work for ourselves, be closer to family, and start one of our own! I hope to put it all down here so you can all keep up with us!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8 and doing great

     Had a great sleep,but still not enough. I woke up still sick with a cough from hell. Got ready in 30 mins and went downstairs to meet Sammy and her lil' girl Maddie! I think seeing Maddie is my favorite part of the day. Ernie was already out on the four wheeler in his full body snowsuit plowing our parking lot!
     We did some training with Sammy (our life saver) and then I dedicated myself to "office time". I had to call and switch over all of the utilities, also get our licensing started for the Health Dept., and go the the Town Hall (down the street) to get fingerprinted to apply for lotto services. While I was in "office jail", Tony and his dad were up in a crawl space cleaning and fixing all the vents.  Oh... The vents. Where to begin? We have electric wall heaters in the bedrooms and bathrooms, and then vents from the store in the kitchen, living, laundry and dinning. They don't blow out enough air at all so we have to light a fire to get any heat in the main areas. But... After today we now have better air flow. Apparently the vents were not even connected so heat was just blowing into the crawl space. What a waste of money and energy. They are so amazing and I am so lucky.
     I stole Tony finally, as we went to town hall to meet with the Marshall (Collbran's only police officer)  to get fingerprinted. He is such a great guy. He told us stories of how Collbran had not had police for two years. He came to town and pressed the shiz out of some people hanging out in town and harassing people etc until they left. So now Collbran is pretty awesome due to his presence.
     Tony and are going to be on an HGTV show called "New Home, New Life". We are stressing, we don't have enough time at the moment and have no idea how we will be able to dedicate time to them. It will be a good thing though.
    Once we were done with the printing, we went back home and I decided to have a snack. Hmmmmmmmm... What do I want? I mean, I have an entire store to choose from!  I chose a butterfinger. Lol  After that it was back to work, but on house stuff this time. Tony pulled me away to eat at the parents house which was a nice break. Then back home and back to work for a few more hours. I am so close to my kitchen being done, as in unpacked. Woohoo! I'm a lil' country bumpkin. I now sit writing as Tony watches "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" on the tv he just hooked up after changing our door knobs.

     At the end of the day.... I have taken the reins on being a business owner, and have 100% accepted this life and have not looked back yet! I do miss all my friends (family) in Vegas though!

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