My husband and I decided to buy a cute lil' gas station "Collbran Creamery" in the very small town of Collbran CO. We decided to do the move after visiting, and realizing how beautiful it was and how amazing the people are. Not to mention my husband's parents and some of his siblings live there as well! We have always wanted to own our own business and a gas station seemed perfect. Did I mention we would be living on top do the gas station? Yep! The house is right on top, so no more driving to work and dealing with traffic. We can just walk right down stairs! This is another reason we chose it, because now as we plan to start our own family, we can not only have independence, but we can be together all the time as a family.

We have big changes in store for us as we pack up and move to this cute lil' town to work for ourselves, be closer to family, and start one of our own! I hope to put it all down here so you can all keep up with us!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 3

A fresh start to a fresh day!
Of course we did what you expected us to do... Loading the truck with our huge heavy wooden furniture! Realizing "YES" we need an additional trailer. So, Joey (Tony's little brother) and I went to get the trailer and fill the truck up with diesel fuel.. That turned out to be the hardest thing to do since in Vegas apparently not many gas stations sell it. After getting our final trailer (6x12), we had to go to  three different gas stations before finding one that sold it!
We spent the rest of the day........ Packing the trailers! HIRE MOVERS!!! Once that was done around 6 pm, I took dad and little bro to THREE different store to find "tie downs" for the move. Apparently 3 is my number today.. 3 trailers, 3 gas stations for diesel, and 3 stores.  Hmmmmmmmm.....

I spent the rest of my night cleaning my now mostly empty home and then blogged! I enjoyed the blogging though.  Lol

At the end of the day... Yep! My house is empty and I feel pretty much completely ready to move on to my new adventure in life!

See ya tomorrow!

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