My husband and I decided to buy a cute lil' gas station "Collbran Creamery" in the very small town of Collbran CO. We decided to do the move after visiting, and realizing how beautiful it was and how amazing the people are. Not to mention my husband's parents and some of his siblings live there as well! We have always wanted to own our own business and a gas station seemed perfect. Did I mention we would be living on top do the gas station? Yep! The house is right on top, so no more driving to work and dealing with traffic. We can just walk right down stairs! This is another reason we chose it, because now as we plan to start our own family, we can not only have independence, but we can be together all the time as a family.

We have big changes in store for us as we pack up and move to this cute lil' town to work for ourselves, be closer to family, and start one of our own! I hope to put it all down here so you can all keep up with us!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11 day 1

Day 11 is the first day I've wrote in a blog.  I'm taking over for Kamee this evening.  And Quite a day it was.    Went to bed still sick after 11 days of moving and adjusting to this life.  Tired of being sick.  Today was by far the best for me though.  I've been feeling better and better.
I woke early today.  4 am. Once again I couldn't stop thinking about so many things.  I also couldn't stop coughing.  So I took some Nyquil.  Woke again at 8 am and felt great.
Surprised by my improvement in health I was anxious for the first time ever to get going on things.  Our days have been nonstop since we arrived.  Actually nonstop ever since Dec 20th when I got the call that we were getting the property.
Well we've been very busy everyday with busy work.  Lots of it. Constantly working on one thing or another.   And at the end of the night I always seem to take a hot bath in Epsom salt the heal my wounds :) The baths help me relax and go over my day, my emotions, my attack for tomorrow and hopefully finally wind down.  I then try to sleep stuffed up and coughing.  It always seems to worsen later in the evening.  Like right now :(  Oh well, I think I'm getting better.
Back to today... like I said, I woke early and got started right away.  I really wasn't sure what to do and where to begin since there is so much..  So I started in behind the counter.  Pulled everything out vacuumed and
After starting one thing it led to another and we found an endless amount of stuff to clean.  My mom, dad and Joey came down.  My dad has been there everyday.  Plowing the parking lot then he helps fix and clean and  do whatever it is that needs to be done. Awesome Pa.
Well, as we were cleaning everything we started redecorating.  Moving all sorts of things around.  Then my dad went home and got some old country-like things from his house.  I won't go into detail but they were perfect.
Upon rearranging and hanging my dads things, the place started looking really good. We kept cleaning like crazy.  My mom and Kamee were hitting the kitchen hard while my dad was power washing the front.  Great team today.
After finishing Kamee made us grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Ma and Pa asked us over but we were exhausted. Well,  Kamee was cooking dinner and we didn't have enough butter.  So for the first time I walked downstairs and got it.  It was so convenient, lol.  We ate dinner and finally have time to relax and think about things. On that I'll say goodnight.
I mu5t 5ay I have rather enjoyed writing thi5.  I hope to do it again 5oon.  If you have read thi5 then you 5ee the 5's a5 s'5.  Everything you write today, write your s'5 with 5's and write that anyone that read'5 your 5's ha5 to do it. thank'5 for reading

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 10

     Finally felt good this morning! Woke up to Tony coughing up a storm @7:30, so I went to grab him some medicine and from there we just stayed up. I made pancakes and as I was setting the table, I saw 5 deer out the window so I went on the front porch to take a pic as they walked past my place. While we were eating, I decided we should go to Main st. and stop in some of the stores to introduce ourselves, since we needed a part to hook up the dryer. This is very important to me, to start making friends etc. so we went to ACE Hardware and get this... They asked if we wanted to fill out a "credit application" not the credit card type, a "TAB"!!! Like back in the day when you could go in a store and say "just put it on my tab"! Crazy!  That means we have to continue that at our store. All the stores around here do it, and apparently it's not good not to I guess. I honestly am loving living in a small town so far. It's like CHEERS... I can here the theme song now as I picture walking down the street and saying "Hi" to everyone. Haha. It was great meeting people, and after that we went back and Ernie hooked up the dryer!
     For me it was just more unpacking. Mostly closet organizing and unpacking the few boxes I had left. Oh yeah, and clean, clean, clean. Tony and his dad worked inside the store and outside. They did a great job. The inside looks so nice, clean and organized. Next thing I knew Tony called me down and we had the journalist from the local paper here to ask us some questions to write a small piece on us.  They were so sweet and genuine. It was a lot of fun and will definitely help us get the word out. Then it was back upstairs for more cleaning, and Tony and his dad did more down stairs.
I feel like this is one of the dirtiest places I have ever been. I am cleaning so much. Before we bought the owner used to rent it out to hunters and such.. Which explains the dirtiness, even though it was cleaned by someone before we came in. Once I decided I was done for the day, we had some misc stuff for dinner and are now having a relaxing time to ourselves.

At the end of the day... I am such a mountain girl, and love my life.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9

9 sublime
     Soooooo dry! I don't know why I can't wake up feeling good. Was so hard to get out of bed, but once I get moving I start to feel better. I made a lot of leeway on the house today. Thank god! I also have to clean the crap out of everything as I go so it takes me even longer. I was talking to my dad telling him how happy I was here and living in an old house. Literally just a few minutes after I hung up, while I was making lunch I heard a fast dripping. I looked over and realized there was a leak in the ceiling by the window from the ice melting on the roof. I had to put 3 large cups along the window and within 30 mins one was 3/4 full. Tony got on the roof and started shoveling snow and ice off, but had to come inside and hang out the window to get the ice off of the area that was leaking. Luckily he fixed it for now. Just some more money that has to come out of our pockets in the spring. Ugh..
     At three we did some additional training with Sammy and learned some of the register as well as how to close the store. Well some of it anyway.
     When we got the business, we knew we would be working all the time and that for the first while we would not be able to afford to have any employees. Which sucks because that meant the wonderful people who worked here lost their jobs. The store was going to close anyway, but we feel badly that we couldn't keep them on. Our biggest fear is that there will be hard feelings towards us. But I feel once people get to know us and realize we couldn't afford it, they will come around.
     After training we came upstairs and I made dinner while Tony got the computer hooked up to the tv so we could watch netflix. Let me remind you, I am in a town of 705 people, and that means we don't have the fastest connections, good cell service etc. Once we got it set up and tried watching something, it would freeze and have to load. It took us quite a while to get through an episode of dexter, but then Tony reset the internet and it worked much better. LOVE DEXTER!!!
    Tony and I spent some time after that figuring out marketing for our opening. Think we may do free coffee or hot chocolate for the first week or something. I can't wait to meet everyone!

At the end of the day... I am just so excited and can wait to open! Here's to being accepted by Collbran!
At the end of the day...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8 and doing great

     Had a great sleep,but still not enough. I woke up still sick with a cough from hell. Got ready in 30 mins and went downstairs to meet Sammy and her lil' girl Maddie! I think seeing Maddie is my favorite part of the day. Ernie was already out on the four wheeler in his full body snowsuit plowing our parking lot!
     We did some training with Sammy (our life saver) and then I dedicated myself to "office time". I had to call and switch over all of the utilities, also get our licensing started for the Health Dept., and go the the Town Hall (down the street) to get fingerprinted to apply for lotto services. While I was in "office jail", Tony and his dad were up in a crawl space cleaning and fixing all the vents.  Oh... The vents. Where to begin? We have electric wall heaters in the bedrooms and bathrooms, and then vents from the store in the kitchen, living, laundry and dinning. They don't blow out enough air at all so we have to light a fire to get any heat in the main areas. But... After today we now have better air flow. Apparently the vents were not even connected so heat was just blowing into the crawl space. What a waste of money and energy. They are so amazing and I am so lucky.
     I stole Tony finally, as we went to town hall to meet with the Marshall (Collbran's only police officer)  to get fingerprinted. He is such a great guy. He told us stories of how Collbran had not had police for two years. He came to town and pressed the shiz out of some people hanging out in town and harassing people etc until they left. So now Collbran is pretty awesome due to his presence.
     Tony and are going to be on an HGTV show called "New Home, New Life". We are stressing, we don't have enough time at the moment and have no idea how we will be able to dedicate time to them. It will be a good thing though.
    Once we were done with the printing, we went back home and I decided to have a snack. Hmmmmmmmm... What do I want? I mean, I have an entire store to choose from!  I chose a butterfinger. Lol  After that it was back to work, but on house stuff this time. Tony pulled me away to eat at the parents house which was a nice break. Then back home and back to work for a few more hours. I am so close to my kitchen being done, as in unpacked. Woohoo! I'm a lil' country bumpkin. I now sit writing as Tony watches "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" on the tv he just hooked up after changing our door knobs.

     At the end of the day.... I have taken the reins on being a business owner, and have 100% accepted this life and have not looked back yet! I do miss all my friends (family) in Vegas though!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 7 and closer to heaven!

I am sitting on my couch, next to the lovely fire my husband and I started, drinking my yummy tea as I write.
     I woke at 7:00. A whole hour early... Why? Cause I felt like crap and my body was killing me. So I got up, had breakfast and popped two Tylenol. Just a healthy bowl of cereal nothing too exciting.. However my dog Paco loves it! It is his favorite time of day. I only give him some because it is healthy and he is so picky. After breakfast Tony was up and it was time to get ready to go downstairs to the store and talk to Sammy (the previous manager) she is training us, and I am so thankful as she is VERY smart and knows her job so well! She went over two pages of different vendors such as Pepsi, Fritos, all the way through fuel and utilities. I must say it was fun. She brings her three year old with her who is just so adorable and so well behaved. (I will get pics up when they load for me btw). Just as we were about to leave and go see Angie our realtor, she came walking through the door with our closing figures. They ended up being more than we had anticipated due to paying the insurance up front for the year and 3 months in advanced to go towards next year, which caused us a bit of stress. Thankfully we managed and were on track to close at 4pm.
     From there Ernie, Tony's dad came by while I was cleaning the crap out of the dishwasher, mind you it is from late 80's early 90's so it was nasty,and fixed our garbage disposal which is the loudest thing I have ever heard! But thank god it is working. The house is getting there, but I still have a lot of unpacking to do.
     From there Tony and I left as we had to get to Grand Junction to get our cashiers check and then close on the business. When we got to the bank we ran into some trouble which was quickly resolved by out lovely banker and her coworker so we only arrived a few minutes late to the closing.
     At the closing Tony and I sat on one side and Fran (previous owner) and Angie on the other with the Sue from the title company at the head. It was great and only took about 1 and a half hours. Upon leaving Angie gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and gave us a wonderful card. We couldn't have asked for a better group of people to be working with on this. She also found out I am an aesthetician and told me Collbran could use one... Hmmmm
     Tony and I had not eaten since 7:30 am so we were going to eat! By this time I had been eating jolly ranchers from the middle of the table to tie me over. We decided to go to the first place we saw and ended up at Red Robin. Neither of us had been there in years. I had some sort of blue cheese burger and he had a chicken burger. Pretty good. No beer for me as I am still sick and didn't want to dehydrate myself anymore than I already am. This place is sooooooooo dry!
     On the way home it began to snow at first Tony said we were in Star Wars hyperspeed! Lol. It really does look like it though. It was the first time we had driven in snow I about ten years, so naturally we were excited and nervous. The snow looked like confetti in the sky. Perfect for the night we just had. When we noticed snow was starting to stick I gave him a quick quiz on what to do in case we slide.  Just for fun... But then a few mins later, what happened? We slid.. Just for a sec but it was scary. We were so nervous for a few after that. But as we drove down the powdered diamond road, I began to feel as if I were in a winter wonderland.
   When we got home there was a knock on the door. It was Joey asking if the pumps were working. :) so we all went outside in the fresh snow with Princess (our other dog) and then went Into the store for the first time with our keys to explore! Fun with all the lights off. From there, we started our fire that I am sitting in front of, took an Epsom salt bath to relax with some tea, and am now on the couch writing to all of you.

At the end of the day, we are now officially business owners working for ourselves! WTF! How did this happen? FINALLY

Day 6

Holy moly!
I didn't do day five because it was such a loooooong day. We unloaded all of the furniture (Tony and the boys did the bulk of it of course). Then we had to go to our storage unit in Grand Junction, which is an hour away. We are storing most of our furniture until we remodel which will probably be spring. I had hired two guys to help us since our furniture is solid wood and heavy as shiz. After changing the time on them 3 times and arriving late, we finally got started. The guys were great so smart and so nice. It is so great to meet such nice and hospitable people all the time. Unloading all of the furniture from start to finish took about 9 hours. All of this in the 18 degree weather. By the time we were done, I felt like my knee caps were frozen and I was going to snap them if I bent them. I was pretty much brain dead from exhaustion and lack of food when I realized the lock we had would not work for the unit.  Off Susan (my mother-in-law) went to go get a lock while Tony and his dad took back the uhaul. We followed that with dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. All I really cared about though was having a nice cold beer! That I must say was the best part of my day. From there Tony and I hit the hay on our mattress on the floor in the middle of our living room.  It was kinda fun.. Like a sleep over or something.. How ever I could not get my body to warm up since I had been out in the cold all day, and I ended up getting sick and having a horrible sleep.

At the end of day 5, I was too beat to have any sort of epiphany

Day 6

I woke up feeling like shiz and decided to stay home to get stuff done around the house while Tony went to Grand Junction to do a ton of stuff for the business. I basically played housewife while he went to work.  Susan came by and brought us breakfast from Twisted Sister, the only place that serves food and they only serve breakfast and lunch. It was very good I must say. They make everything themselves including the tortillas for their breakfast burritos. Other than that I did not eat all day as I was so engulfed in getting stuff done and clean. When you move in to an older home there is a lot more to clean.  By the time Tony got home it was 6:30 and I was shocked.  Time flys when your ..... In a chaotic mess.
     Then Susan arrived with groceries (she is a life saver;) just as Joey and his friends had to see the place and help us move any additional items we had.  All the kids were so sweet. Gotta give credit to the parents. Raising kids in a small town may have more benefits than I thought. From there we went to the parents for some homemade chili! I could definitely get used to that.
     Tony and I came home sat in bed and I blogged.  The funny thing is, is he reminds me to do it. It is 10:30 amd I am going to bed. Hopefully I wake up feeling better than I do now. Here's to waking up @ 8am!

At the end of the day, I am so glad to have moved to the peaceful, quiet town of Collbran. I love being here in my old cozy place and being close to Tony's family.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 4 The BIG day

     Well, today was it! Woke up feeling great with no regrets, only having to do miscellaneous things. Our friend and neighbors offered to make us all breakfast so we could eat and run. Talk about amazing! They made the best almond crusted French toast I have ever had amongst other yummy things. All through breakfast I couldn't help but think about all I would be missing out on with them and all of my neighbors, and also wishing I could have had more time with them. (We tend to take advantage and not appreciate things that we have until they are gone). But at least they will be life long friends "lifers".
     Right before we left we walked through once more to make sure nothing was left behind and then shut the door for the last time. I had mentioned earlier to Tony, that now that the house was empty I was ready to go and move forward. As I stood there hugging Tony and facing the house I began to cry with the realization that this was it! To leave something that was so perfect for me. To finally have everything that you want in one spot ex. New house, great neighbors and friends, every place you could possibly need or want to go at your fingertips. Going to dinner or a movie would only take me maybe 10 to 15 mins to get to, will now take me an hour. There is no place for us to go to dinner other than our kitchen or our pizza from our store since we are the only ones to do food in the evenings. So just remember, when you are going out and complaining that it is too far.... You don't have to drive an hour.   I got in my car and cried the whole way through the neighborhood. But once I was out, I stopped. From there on out I was driving on my own, so it was me and my 2 cats and 2 lil' Chihuahuas.. It was great until I had two of them on my lap. They all seemed to rotate and take turns.

     The drive was long but scenic and gave me even more time to process the whole "crazy" new life style we are getting into. I started realizing that I am gone, really gone. I am not away for the weekend and coming back in a day or two. There is no tomorrow for me in Las Vegas. But there is a next time. ;) I am still not quit sure if it has all hit me yet.

     As I climbed higher in elevation I couldn't help but think as if I was climbing higher to my bigger and brighter future. By the time I got into Collbran it was 9pm and very dark! It is so dark here that you want to drive with your brights on ALL the time. The sky's are so clear and beautiful, there are no city lights to drown out the stars. I welcome being engulfed in the cold dark blanket of Colorado!

     At the end of the day, without risk you gain nothing! Although I am far away from home. I am actually home. Here's to getting settled in Collbran!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 3

A fresh start to a fresh day!
Of course we did what you expected us to do... Loading the truck with our huge heavy wooden furniture! Realizing "YES" we need an additional trailer. So, Joey (Tony's little brother) and I went to get the trailer and fill the truck up with diesel fuel.. That turned out to be the hardest thing to do since in Vegas apparently not many gas stations sell it. After getting our final trailer (6x12), we had to go to  three different gas stations before finding one that sold it!
We spent the rest of the day........ Packing the trailers! HIRE MOVERS!!! Once that was done around 6 pm, I took dad and little bro to THREE different store to find "tie downs" for the move. Apparently 3 is my number today.. 3 trailers, 3 gas stations for diesel, and 3 stores.  Hmmmmmmmm.....

I spent the rest of my night cleaning my now mostly empty home and then blogged! I enjoyed the blogging though.  Lol

At the end of the day... Yep! My house is empty and I feel pretty much completely ready to move on to my new adventure in life!

See ya tomorrow!

Day 2

I woke up so happy thinking of my going away the night before. I picked up my phone and saw numerous Instagram notifications from my friends whom had posted the cutest collages and the most wonderful messages below them to me. I knew that even though I was leaving, I would always be able to count on them to get me through my days. 
Tony's dad and brother were driving out today to help use with the move. They were bringing an 8x16" trailer to add to our 20" uhaul we rented. Tony and I finalized some things around the house before picking up the uhaul. Our great friend and neighbor Cassidy came by to help us load the beast.  Tonys family arrived just in time to comtinue with the bigger items. Blah, blah, blah, stress, stress, STRESS! That is all I have to say! HIRE MOVERS!  That's my tip for the day! It's better on you mentally, physically, and everyone around you as well!

Around 8pm we said "to hell with it!" And we done for the day. I ended up running to the store for Airborne and Zicam! Hell not I am not letting us get sick now.  My husband and I both started having symptoms (probably from the stress).

At the end of the day I noticed it seems to be getting easier for me to leave.  I feel as I load the truck I am starting to let go.  

Oh! And we also loaded up the trailer his dad brought and realized we have WAY to much shiz! We may have to go get another uhaul trailer.  Yes... Making three!  Ugh!

Good night!

Day ONE of working for ourselves

I woke up knowing I had to finalize packing and address changes etc all day. I found  myself filled with exuberant amounts of anxiety, in front of the bathroom mirror staring at myself thinking "WTF are you doing? Your leaving this 1 yr old home you just built exactly how you wanted it, a city you have lived in for ten yrs, where most people want to be, with everything imagine able at your fingertips, and most of all, all of my amazing friends that are like family to me; for an 85 year old gas station with a house on top, in a small teeny tiny town where there is only one restaurant that serves breakfast and lunch, and then my gas station that serves pizza for the town." Then I quickly snapped out of it knowing I was doing the right thing for myself and my family.

The day went by with me not getting everything done before I went to my going away dinner with my amazing co-workers who are actually like family to me and the people I will miss most in LV.

I can't wait for us to get to Collbran and settle in, to get to know all the amazing people in the town. People there are so nice, hospitable, and non-judgmental. That is a big thing in Vegas, is people are just not as friendly. They barely look at you to smile, and if they do look at you they don't usually smile unless they know you.

So at the end of the day.... I am extatic!   Collbran, HERE I COME!!!